(this is very, very late)
Iiii'm Jaz! Jazzy. Jazzyjaz. I did a
meme a few weeks ago that has more information than anyone could possibly want. I haven't really been involved in fandom in a while, so my posts have been super hyper crazy boring lately. I've been getting into
VDex Project (PLUG PLUG PLUG), though,
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Although man if there's a round four the cities will just get ridiculous. REYKJAVIK IS GOING DOWN.
I've still got far, far too much on my plate, and far, far too much history with everyone involved to actually jump in.
I have admittedly been kind of tearing my hair out and trying to stress the "not a continuation" because I don't want anyone to feel like we're trying to take over shit that's dead and MAKE IT COME BACK DAMMIT, but the premise has really worked better than pretty much any other OC game I've played in so far as getting people to plot and drive the game without much mod input on making shit go down.
...that and it's been two years since I have properly indulged my secret love for crucifixion and eyeball-gouging. >__>
But I get the feeling everybody else would just go "where the fuck is Kinshasa?"
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