g-god i'm such a compulsive hoarder. I need Griffin to hurry up and give me the PS2 back.
Games I've Started (but haven't finished)
FFXII (STILL, i know this is shameful)
Persona 3
Persona 4
Shadow Hearts
Games I Haven't Even Started
Devil Summoner 2 (haha PLUSH RAIHO GET)
Fatal Frame II
Silent Hill 2
Games I've Pirated (and still haven't
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I love both of the Lunar games, though I think they're kind of love/hate. They can be kind of hilariously cheesy and they're very much Standard Animu JRPG in a lot of ways, but there is this certain something that I feel I can only properly describe as "the development team was obviously having a lot of fun making this, and thus I cannot help but have a lot of fun playing it." Also Ronfar is the best healer ever because he is a boy and likes gambling and being kind of a douche sometimes.
Suikoden II is delicious, so if the first one doesn't horribly turn you off for whatever reason, it's worth looking into! (Although if you're not emulating...lol, it sells for ridiculous these days.)
I'm not sure what your feelings are on strategy-RPGs but Front Mission 3 is fantastic.
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