Oh man, is April busy.
April 1st - doctor appointment (4:30)
April 2nd - meeting with teacher
April 8th - driving permit renewal; poetry slam (ideally)
SOME TIME AFTER THIS - driving test
April 12th - Easter with family
April 16th - meet with teacher
April 18th - sign up at venture for college (9:00-2:30)
April 19th - ~*senior ball*~. I should get a dress for that! Or jeans. Jeans are always an option.
April 20th-24th - camp-counseloring down in the redwoods. Must prepare PSP and DS for this.
April 24th - Vienna Teng at
Yoshi's (8:00-??)
April 28-May 1st - camp-counseloring at same camp. I get ten credits for this shit, man.
work needed for teacher:
[x] American Government - two chapters (2/2)
placeholder[] five tests, ideally (1/5)
[x] Photo review and/or Jeanne d'Arc review (2/2)
[] Consumer Math - two chapters, odds (0/2)
placeholder[] two tests
[x] Understanding Economics - two chapters, odds (5/2)
placeholder[] two tests
[] FP - five chapters (!!), odds (0/5)
April 16th
[] American Government - five tests (0/5)
[] FP - ten chapters (!!), odds (0/10)
placeholder[] ten tests (0/10)
[] Consumer Math - two chapters, odds (0/2)
placeholder[] two tests (0/2)
[x] Understanding Economics - five chapters, odds (5/5)
placeholder[] five tests (0/5)
all due by ... tomorrow. CAN WE DO IT? YES WE CAN!
EDIT: oh god and I just realized Vienna Teng's playing two shows ... the night I get back from camp :'). Loma Mar's about an hour and a half away, and the bus leaves at noon, so I'll definitely have time ... but I'll be so tired ;;. Siiiiigh.