Jan 14, 2004 03:39
Jealousy and Envy. If there are two emotions I hate most of all, these would top the list. If I'd have to compare the two, Envy takes the cake as being my most despised emotion of all time. There is something about the feeling of being 2nd best that really pisses me off - lol.
For years I strove to totally overcome both emotions. It was pointed out to me that being human I might never fully vanquish these feelings. I don't know that I want to believe that.
I've made tremendous leaps and bounds in my life to overcome both feelings. It all starts with improving how you feel about yourself. The more at peace you are with 'you', the more rare these dreaded emotions become.
I'm curious what you all think about this topic.
Have you suffered from both or either? If so, how did you or do you overcome these feelings?
When in the cluthces of the Green Eyed Demon, how do you behave?
Are they valuable and necessary emotions? Or should they be discared Vulcan style?
:: curious ::