Post-conference comments

Oct 10, 2009 11:30

I'm trying to work out why I feel so unsettled right now. I've just finished up at the Web Directions South 2009 conference.

There was so much new information flying at me for the last week. I haven't really been in a situation like that for a long time - if ever.

It's like trying to grab hold of snowflakes in a blizzard.

I think when I get back to Melbourne I need to sit down for a couple if nights and try to assess what stuck, and what direction to go from here.

On the other hand, I'm not so sure I like who I was over the past few days. I look back and feel like I was a bit too chameleonic.

Still working on developing a stronger sense of self.

The thing is, last weekend at Black Stump working with the team, I felt like I had a much stronger sense of self and identity.

Something else from this last fortnight I need to ponder further.

Just sitting waiting for the airport shuttle now, to start my journey back to my little family waiting for me in Melbourne.

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