May 16, 2009 02:15
So 2 years ago I did a website for this lady. It was a site to sell her little greeting cards. After 2 years she emails me telling me she hasn't gotten a single sale. Now, I distinctly remember going through the process to order a card when I had put up the site. I went through the PayPal thing, everything, and then I canceled the sale at the last minute so I didn't actually buy one. I said it worked on my end, she said it worked on her end. A couple days ago I tried buying a card. I went through the entire process this time; it went through to my bank and my bank processed it and everything. PayPal emailed me and said that the payment has been transferred to So it should be good, right? Wrong. There is no Now, I've gone through EVERY single file searching for that email address. It's not in /any/ file, so I don't know where it's getting that from. I'm afraid to ask her which email address she's got her PayPal account registered to...
Does anyone know how you can find out if an email address is registered in PayPal?
Where the fuck could this thing be getting that email address from?
Please, I need some serious answers... I'm out of ideas here..