Nov 03, 2004 13:52
Why is everyone freaking out over bush potentially winning? It's not even over yet! Ohio needs 11 days.
And if Bush does win, why does everyone think the world is going to end? it isn't.
Why do people think that the world is going to be awesome if kerry wins? It isn't going to be some kind of utopian society.
And please, if you like kerry, come up with a better reason for doing so than, "did you SEE Fahrenheit 9/11?" Michael Moore is a douche. He just takes one tiny insignificant fact and blows it way out of proportion PURELY on suspicion. People using this excuse are just proving that the media and some director can influence America and cause people not to think for themselves.
Please OH PLEASE, don't complain about kerry losing if you voted for Nader or didn't vote at all!
Furthermore, just calm down. Enjoy life. Be happy. Politics aren't everything.