I feel summer creeping in and I'm tired of this town again.

Mar 06, 2009 06:40

Woke up an hour early again. I'm actually ok with starting my day so early, I've been getting to bed at a decent hour.

Watched the sunrise with my first cigarette today. It was... breathtaking. The view from my apartment building is absolutely beautiful, I can see right over downtown and it really is just gorgeous. The problem is... I'm ready for a change of scenery already.

Maybe Alabama wouldn't be such a bad decision.

I miss Alaska, miss all those people. I made such great friends there, something I generally try not to do, being an Army brat and all. But I really did make wonderful friends. I miss them.

Trying to figure out how soon I can be up for a visit...

Also thinking of going back out to San Francisco to see the uncles again and browse the city. I loved my summer out there...

It basically comes down to wanting to get out and go somewhere. The Army bred it into me.

EDIT: Does anyone else in this crazy world think its HILARIOUS (a laugh ri-OT, really) that no team in the NFL wants Terrel Owens?
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