First Impression

Jan 25, 2010 17:41

Acherus. A fancy name for a dismal place. Death was everywhere in this hell hole. Two brethren stood before their reanimators as a large man approached them. The two cultists grinned as they each reached for the weapons that each Tauren held.

"We'll take these. They are no good for the likes of the Scourge."

Scourge or not, no commanding voice would take these blades from them. Zarinoth looked over at Twistedhoof, who was clearly agitated at the persistent nagging of the necromancer in front of him. The two of them died with these blades, the greatswords of the Warrunner tribe. The necromancer in fron of Zarinoth began to tug at his hand, attempting to pry the weapon free. The large man crossed his arms as he studied them.

"I said release it, minion! Release it or I will rip your--"

With a swift motion, Zarinoth sliced the necromancer's head cleanly from his shoulders. His features remained cold and emotionless as he returned his weapon to his side. To his left he he heard a muffled scream and a loud crunch that signified Twistedhoof's own impatience with the new allies. More inhabitants of the necropolis came to investigate, but were stayed by the large man, who simply let out a hearty chuckle.

"Yes, yes! Most excellent! You two are fitting of your titles. Go at once to the Lich King and carry out destruction in his name!"

The crowd quickly dispersed, save a couple geists that began picking up the remains of the necromancers. The two Tauren made their way to the balcony toward the Lich King, greatswords in hand.

acherus, zarinoth

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