Thoughts from the Forward Camp

Jan 16, 2010 03:43

(This is a journal used strictly for Roleplay purposes in reference to current storyline for this character and other characters I play in game.)

This place tears at one's mental stability. The cold is only the minor complaint among our tribe as we sit in our tiny habitat. The Earthern have been very accommodating with supplies in exchange for help against the Iron Dwarves. These favors have been taking us closer to their former home of Ulduar. My advisors warn me not to go near, that an evil presence stirs within. I believe it is linked to the same feelings I get when I venture down the mountainside. It is like a whispering in my mind, a test of my devotion to my cause. Any Brave would say the same as each has experience this nightmare.

I wonder how the fight goes in Icecrown. Each day I hope to hear the cry of victory echoing across the mountains, but in the still of night, the cries of the tormented souls continue to float along the valley like a haunting melody. I have grown tired of seeing fewer and fewer of my people return from our scouting parties or suffering the look of defeat and hopelessness in their eyes. There must be an end to this war sometime. My people have forgotten what home is, what happiness is. I fear this war has changed my brother the most. There is no more laughter from his campfire, only the cold stare of hatred as he looks beyond the mountains. Perhaps his soul, as well as mine, will find peace when this is over. Until then, there are still more battles to prepare for and more sacrifices to be made.

xavot, storm peaks

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