[doujinshi scanlation] Tobu yume wo shibaraku minai (plus an extra ;)

Mar 21, 2014 06:13

Hello there! :)

I forgot a bit about this community. ^^' Nice to see there is still someone here.
Actually I remembered .warriorlash because I have some 'warriorslash' for you. ;D
I've just finished scanlating this doujinshi:

Title: Tobu yume wo shibaraku minai
Artist/Circle: Yamada Sakurako/Micromacro & Izumi Yakumo/GD
Fandom: Sengoku Musou 2
Characters: Maeda Keiji, Saika Magoichi (plus Oda Nobunaga, Akechi Mitsuhide, Toyotomi Hideyoshi and others.)
Genre/Rating: yaoi, R18, drama, action

You'll find it at my community,
at Divine Squids, here.
(download link is at the end of the post, so feel free to skip my rant ^^')

I also did recently another piece, not very slashy this time, but maybe you'd be intersted. It's a Fuuuma Kotarou book with nothing interesting on the cover, but pics like this inside: ^^

Title: Monochrome
Artist/Circle: Jiyuroman/Tokeiya
Fandom: Sengoku Musou 2
Characters: Fuuma Kotarou, Hattori Hanzou
Genre/Rating: serious

Also at my comm.

#fanworks: graphics

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