Update on publication

Oct 01, 2008 16:19

Hello friends,,

After producing zines for nearly 3 decades, I don't think I've ever had to postpone a zine more than once. Today, however, I have finally come to the conclusion that I will not be able to bring the completed Warriors 6 to EasternMediaCon2.

As some of you already know, one of my oldest and dearest friends, njpax passed away last week after a long illness. Despite her being sick, we didn't know she was failing as quickly as she was so I was really unprepared for her seemingly sudden death. Nancy, was one of my oldest fan friends, and she and her late sister published my first story ever in their Trek zine. Though I have tried to complete Warriors 6 ever since hearing the news, I just haven't been able to manage it. I've been working on it all along, but I just am not able to finish it properly, get it all printed and bound in time for the con.

I've decided to just finish it up after the con and mail it out to those who have pre-ordered and post it at the same time, as I've planned to all along.

I've got a great line up of stories and I'd hate to make the wonderful authors wait much longer. So I'll keep everyone aware of the timeframe and get the zine out in print and online just as soon as I can. I think I'll begin to feel better once the memorial service for Nancy takes place the week after the convention.

Here is a list of the authors and artists who have contributed their talents to the zine:


Jane Davitt
Amanda Bradley
April Valentine


Lorraine Brevig
LA Adolf
Midnight Panther

The zine will be approximately 150 pages and will include lovely color artwork, color title illustrations and altered art embellishments.

The cost will be about $20 before postage. I do try to keep zine costs down, but with the extra special artwork and embellishments, I have to calculate that in the price. The reason I'm not doing this as a "bare bones" type of publication is so that those who enjoy print zines will get something a bit extra for their money. If you would like to reserve a copy, please write to me at AprilValen@aol.com or leave a message here and I will inform you of the postage to your area of the globe. Again, it will be a limited edition publication so if you want a copy, please let me know as soon as possible.


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