Video 001

Aug 11, 2010 22:00

The video is somewhat obscured by fingertips when it first comes up, until Usopp adjusts his grip. He holds up the Dreamberry so there's a clear view of him, in what looks like a small, dimly room with minimal furnishings. He looks at the device and sighs heavily, muttering to himself. "'s worth a shot, right ( Read more... )

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1/? serving_love August 12 2010, 12:51:26 UTC
[Sanji's gotten kind of used to having his shitty-dream-thing beeping at him all the time now, so when Usopp's video pops up he only gives the screen a brief, disinterested glance-]


serving_love August 12 2010, 12:51:51 UTC
[Except...waitaminute......that is one very familiar nose...]


serving_love August 12 2010, 12:52:43 UTC
[And then suddenly he's diving for the Dreamberry, fingers scrambling over the keys and cursing under his breath until he finally gets the shitty video to play, eyes getting wider and wider because, yep, that is definitely Usopp and holy shit, he's okay and-]


serving_love August 12 2010, 12:53:23 UTC
[Sanji stabs at the call button, all prepared to yell like an excited kid down the phone à la Luffy.]


done! serving_love August 12 2010, 13:02:07 UTC
[.......Buuut this is Sanji, so he reigns in that knee-jerk reaction pretty damn fast and by the time he speaks he sounds calm, collected, and maybe too casual.]

Hm...I think I've heard of 'em.

[He can't quite manage to temper the ridiculous grin, though.]


1/4 warriorothesea August 12 2010, 16:00:21 UTC


warriorothesea August 12 2010, 16:01:03 UTC
*makes a choked-off sound of surprise when he hears the familiar voice*



warriorothesea August 12 2010, 16:01:28 UTC
*holds the Dreamberry up and stares at the screen and, yep, absolutely no doubt about it; that is Sanji*

*breaks into a huge grin* SANJI!!


warriorothesea August 12 2010, 16:05:46 UTC
*grips the Dreamberry tightly with both hands like he’s afraid Sanji will get away otherwise, talking a mile a minute now*

You’re here too? Are you with Luffy? Where’s everybody else? Where were you before?? *starts gesturing wildly with the Dreamberry still in his hand* He sent me to this crazy island and everything was trying to eat me--even the plants!--and I thought I was going to die, and I started to worry you guys wouldn’t be able to wait for me and I’d never see you again, but then I woke up here, and I’m still not really sure how. *briefly pauses to take a breath*


1/2 serving_love August 12 2010, 16:36:29 UTC
[doesn’t bother to hide the relief in his voie this time] Yo, Usopp.


serving_love August 12 2010, 16:36:46 UTC
[still grinning, but it slowly fades the more Usopp speaks and he cuts in as soon as Usopp gives him the chance to] He. You mean that shitty bear? [scowls and grits his teeth, glancing away from the screen for a moment as he drags a hand through his hair] That fucking bastard. Yeah, I’m with Luffy. And Zoro. [pauses and looks back at the Dreamberry] But...only them. He sent me straight here. At least- [makes a frustrated sound] That’s what it felt like, but this ain’t our world, so who the hell knows...

[trails off and peers closely at Usopp’s image on the screen] ...You’re alright, though?


warriorothesea August 12 2010, 17:16:05 UTC
*sighs and nods* I’m okay. Mostly. N-nothing bad, anyway, not like-

*belatedly registers the rest of what Sanji said* Zoro, he’s here too? But not-what about Brook? He sent Brook, too! *scrubs a hand over his face* I don’t know. Maybe he didn’t send us here. I mean, I was somewhere else. Before. For a couple of days, actually. And people keep saying this is a different world, but… *shakes his head, cutting himself off with another sigh*

Where are you, Sanji? I looked around a little, but this place is huge! I’m just- *swings his Dreamberry around to show the simple room of the small cottage he’s staying in, though he does it so quickly it’s little more than a blur* I was staying here for now, until I could figure out how to get back to everyone.

*stops again and squints at the tiny screen* Are you okay, Sanji?


serving_love August 12 2010, 17:43:18 UTC
I’m fine. [just leaves it at that -- it’s been over a week since he got here anyway, so it’s not really a lie] Brook ain’t here. And I know it wasn’t actually Kuma who sent us here. Because...Luffy’s been here awhile. And he’s from-later. Supposedly we all got sent somewhere by that asshole-no idea where I was headed, but I bet it was somewhere cool-and Luffy apparently showed up here after a whole shitload of other stuff happened, so. [shrugs somewhat helplessly, because this still doesn’t make sense to him]

[abruptly stands, grabbing his coat and slipping it on as he heads for the door] Luffy’s got a place up by the lake; I’m guessing you’re still down in the shitty village. It’s kind of a hike.


warriorothesea August 12 2010, 19:16:05 UTC
*quiet for a little while as he takes that in* Luffy’s been here-how long is a while? *someone told him about people arriving from “different times”, so even though he doesn’t exactly get it, at least it’s not a huge surprise. there’s something else, though…* *pauses again* You know, he was acting like…he said I was here before.

*doesn’t wait for Sanji’s reply to that-he’s not sure he wants to hear it-and starts grabbing his bag and Kabuto, heading outside* Yeah, I’m in the village; someone told me people could stay in the houses here, so… *shrugs as he walks, then pauses on front step to look around, as if he expects to see Sanji in the distance* Which way?


serving_love August 13 2010, 00:08:32 UTC
I'm not actually sure, hell of a lot longer than I've been here, though. And he said I was here before, too. A lot of people did. Don't ask me how that shit works.

[checking various rooms as he makes his way out of the house, in case Luffy or Zoro are around and want to come with] Ah...depends where you are exactly. I mean, the lake's to the north...way north. But I don't know where you are in the village. I've only been to the shitty place once and I was too distracted to pay attention to most of it.


warriorothesea August 13 2010, 00:22:28 UTC *looks around, trying to get his bearings, mumbling to himself* Uh. Okay, that should be...north. I think. So... *spins in a slow circle, looking around* *speaks to Sanji again* I'm around the...southern part of the village. Probably. So should I just start heading north? Is there a main road or something? *starts walking slowly while waiting for an answer*

*finally gets back to that thing that's been bothering him* Well. Obviously we haven't been here before! Other people besides Luffy said that? *...not that it even makes sense for Luffy to think that. his brow furrows deeply as he tries to puzzle that one out*


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