Deathless by Catherynne M. Valente (2011)

Aug 27, 2011 13:49

Wow. And wow again. Deathless explores the biggest ideas of all.

Horror and bright hope twine together in this powerful saga of Death and love.   Valente’s prose is sonorous, yet not ponderous, and certainly not oblivious to the profane.
Her tremendously strong female main character experiences the deepest issues of life. With the Slavic folklore of her family of marriage as the scaffold, Valente deftly handles themes of duality including power, mastery, marriage, love and death.
There is literally so much to talk about in this wonderful book that I'm rendered speechless.  When I read it again, perhaps I'll be able to pull my chin off the floor and say something coherent. This entry was originally posted at Please comment here or there.

feminism, books! books! books!

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