The sun, it must rise

May 12, 2010 18:45

Time continues to slide past me.  Wish I knew what I did with it, besides sleep.  Sat down at my desk at 2:00p.m.  Looked up and it's almost 6:30 p.m.: nothing done.  (Maybe that should be my blog moniker: Nothing Done.)

Lunch with a compatriot today who tried to sell me on "the secret", which i just see as an updated "Think and Grow Rich" with some offensive parts added.  Otoh, how do you argue with sucess?

Off for a walk in the cold.  And to feed the fe-lions, who were massively confused when I went out for lunch and then didn't feed them dinner as soon as I returned.  Because, you know, my arrival means FUD.   Maybe some chores later.

Tomorrow is Vietnamese noodles for lunch with a friend, followed by what is likely to be a mutually confusing appointment with a woman who barely speaks English, when I barely speak Spanish (learned just enough of it in LA to get me into trouble.)

Glee left me cold last night.  Maybe it was that Neicy Nash got voted off of "DwtS", which I was only watching in the first place because she was competing.  Of course, all of that was massively delayed by a line of storms, which local TV treated like the end of the world.   They did pass through here, but without any real damage. 

food, time mismanagement, it is all about me, luv my dvr!

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