If the experiment in better living through chemistry, etc., is a sucess, I wonder if I could deal with a trip to NYC to see the King Tut exhibit?
http://www.discoverytsx.com/ C.J. Cherryh's Deceiver rocks. Uber-fast pacing, politics that would make Machievelli weep, emotional payoff (not necessarily your emotions, though) galore, character growth. As
papersky pointed out in her Tor review of the first book in this series, Foreigner,
http://www.tor.com/index.php?option=com_content&view=blog&id=59236 one has to read the entire series for the last one to make sense, but that's all to the good. Get crackin'; you're missing something.
Not to mention that CJC herself pointed out that Amazon is again up to no good, this time bludgeoning Penguin publishers over the ebook issue by reducing the shipping price of books to less than half; no word on the effect on authors.
http://www.cherryh.com/WaveWithoutAShore/ A storm is rolling in, and the cats are swirling for food. I guess I'll forgo that walk. At least there won't be any more construction tonight.