Day jobbery

Mar 11, 2009 20:17

Started at o'gd of the clock.  It was so early I couldn't even freak out about getting up so early.  Work appropriate clothes, car, long traffic-y drive to next county.  Airport style security check, sans the shoes.
Nothing gets done in case 1 b/c client's to-be-ex doesn't bother to show.  His lawyer withdraws.
I can't file forms I've brought for case 3 with probate court b/c due to budget crunch the court has cut the clerk's public hours down: 10 am to 4:00 p.m.  I'll have to swing back through county one after going to county two. 
Client is so upset about being in court that she has locked her keys in the car.    Sigh.
Sit in courthouse lobby with client, call AAA.  My (7 year) membership is "cancelled".  No, you cashed my check and didn't send me my money back.  15 minutes later, using my calm voice, all is straightened out; AAA is on its way to rescue client, and I am on my way to next county out.
No parking at nearly-rural courthouse of county 2?!?  Really pushing it on time!  Block and a half hump in work shoes, winter coat with briefcase, laptop backback, purse.  Airport style security check, sans the shoes.
Two hour hearing on interim legal issue.  4 lawyers (including magistrate) and three laypeople.  Lawyers (excluding magistrate) engage in wank: scope of hearing, standard of proof, admissibility of evidence, admissibility of testimony, and the sacred settlement conference.  Magistrate takes lawyers out of hearing and scolds, gently.   Slightly more polite hearing resumes.  Lawyers (excluding magistrate) indulge in more wank: scope of hearing, standard of proof, admissibility of evidence.  Non-lawyers look confused.   Recess.
Discussion with clients.  Want day in court.  Longer discussion about possible downsides of testifying.  Want day in court.  Put clients on stand.  Annoyance w/ Magistrate: gives warning to clients about possible downsides of testifying, as if I wouldn't have.  WIN!  They do well. 
Decision for opponents*.  Final hearing to be scheduled. 
Conference with Magistrate and other lawyers.
Much longer conference with clients.  *Loss is not a surprise.  Still, you have to try.  Advise on next steps, inform on what I'll be doing, it will get resolved.
Almost 2 p.m. now  Stop for lunch (first meal of day after only a cup of coffee and water) halfway back to county 1.  Hmm.  Chili's with only a couple of cars in the parking lot or the Olive Garden which seems to be doing a booming business?  No contest.  Good lunch.  I so rarely eat soup, but tasty!  Some lady is having a breakdown in the ladies' room,  scrubbing at her forearms with wet paper towels and moaning.  One woman heads off to find the husband, I go to the seating kiosk and tell the woman there that someone's in distress in ladies' and may need assistance.  Very blank look.  I KNEW that tanning booths liquified brain cells. 
Back to county 1; score!  a space right in front of the courthouse.  Airport style security check, sans the shoes.  Filing accomplished.  (N.B. probate courts are very idiosyncratic.  Despite state forms and rules, each county, and each clerk in each county seems to have their own take on what's necessary.  Probate filing always makes me a little anxious.)
Detour through fast food for overpriced bottle of water for drive home.  Seriously consider coffee, despite the hour.  I am exhausted. Call office and let pt assistant know I'm not going to make it before she leaves.  In fact, I decide to go home myself.
arrive home:  5 p.m.  unconsciousness ensues.  2 hour nap.   Cats approve once fed.  Swimming will have to wait for tomorrow.

the day job

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