next morning and inheritance

Aug 05, 2006 11:57

Have you ever woken up in the morning and not remembered what you did the night before?

Not for a few weeks years.

Talk about something you inherited. (It could be an object, a physical attribute, a belief, etc.)

The Horn of Gondor.

Forged by Vorondil the Hunter, during the 19th Century of the Third Age I believe. Vorondil was into hunting ox. Fun guy I am guessing. Any way one day upon the shores of the Sea of Rhun, he killed one and fashioned the horn from his captured prey.

In a time of great need, the bearer and heir to the stewardship, can blow upon it (stop snickering out there) and summon aide to his side. Now in certain cases this does not always work. For example, when I was given the horn, someone forgot to mention this only happens when one is in the Realm of Gondor.

Life lesson from Boromir: If say, one happened to be fighting evil Orcs and Uruk-hai in Amon Hen, this would not be the most opportune time to blow the Horn of Gondor.

Unless one desires to become a pin cushion.

The horn is ivory in color, decorative accents and very large.

It's quite sparkly.

There is another horn of Gondor which can be safely blown at any time, nearly anywhere... by man or lady. That, of course, is a tale for another time. *smile*

Boromir of Gondor
Word Count: 233
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