Feb 01, 2006 21:39
What is the greatest sacrifice you've made for love?
What kind of love are we talking about? There are all kinds of love: the love of a good wine, the love of one's brother, the love for a good book, the love of your homeland. The love of your life?
Depending on the kind of love, the sacrifices vary in degree. For example, I would sacrifice my life for Gondor and Faramir, but will only walk one level down for wine. Two levels if it's really good wine.
Four levels if it's really good wine, and I have had a few pints of ale already.
I am off the topic, aren't I?
Sacrifices. I have made them in the past, though I am not sure they were always done out of love of something. Sometimes they were done because they were necessary for a greater good.
I do not think I am helping in your quest for knowledge am I, young scribe?
Perhaps we should head off to find some wine? *laughs*
Boromir of Gondor
Words: 172