Interesting Developments in Shojo Manga.

Apr 28, 2008 18:28

Well, just finished reading the translations of Ouran High School Host Club 61,  and Skip Beat 121, and as usual in shojo manga lots of drama going on.

I'll start with Ouran first.

It starts with Kyoya, Hunni, Mori, Hikuru and Kaoru discussing Tamaki family image of the host club keeping him from seeing his true feeling for Haruai.  Than we cut to Hikuru worrying about it later in the hot springs. Than Kyoya, Hunni and Kaoru discuss it some more and basically come to the conclusion that Tamaki's an idoit ^_^.  Meanwhile Tamaki's at home trying all sorts bath powders with his dog that he got from the "commoner supermarkets" (I missed gags like this. Part of me wants the comedy Ouran back) .  Back at the ski resort, Hikuru's stress out about sharing a room with Haruai, and still worrying about Tamaki.  The next day the class goes sking in the mountains, and Haruai asks Hikuru why he's worried and stressed. He tells her she shouldn't worry and she tells him she's her friend so she should worry.  Hikuru saves the school chairman, who broke his leg and thinks about all Tamaki did for him and Kaoru, before fainting himself when they are found by the mobile staff and Mori. -_- He wakes up to see Kaoru and Haruai's faces. Kaoru leaves them alone. Hikuru tells Haruai he likes her, and her response is thanks for that. He says he's serious. He thinks to himself he's grateful for what Tamaki did for him, but that he doesn't want to give up Haruai. He asks her to go out with him. Meanwhile Tamaki is racing over to the ski resort because Hikuru's injuried...

It was a good chapter all and all.  I liked seeing Hikuru thinking about his relationship with Tamaki, before confessing to Haruai (I like Tamaki and HaruTama, but I don't hate Hikuru even if he did act like kind of a jerk in chapter 59). I can't wait for the next chapter though. Ouran coming to a close (as seen with all the Drama that's been going on lately). I wonder what Haruai going to do next chapter.
 Next Skip Beat!

The chapter starts with Kyoko being late for the first meeting of her new drama because she was to busy looking at her presents from the night before -__-;. We see the meeting as she realizes this and there's a girl who looks just like Kyoko at the meeting. She seems to have an overly cheerful side and dark side too judging from the scene. Later on when Kyoko's  at the Dark Moon shooting, she's all emo because she keeps worrying about. Ren notices and goes over to talk to her. She tells him what's up (not why she was late though). Yashiro  except Ren to do his usual comforting thing, but he basically tells her to suck it up and be a man (nicer terms though). He starts to walk away and Yashiro follows after him going like "WTF Ren?". Ren says "Kindness alone  won't help develop talent, besides..." (looks back and smiles) "I wouldn't ask for something unreasonable especially of someone who wasn't capable." Yashiro has another WTF moment, than looks back and sees this lovely image.

I was a bit disappointed by this chapter. I liked the part at the end between Ren and Kyoko, but I want more Ren/ Kyoko smut dammit! And more interactions between Ren, Kyoko and Sho or Ren and Sho. Also for Yashiro to start acting like a meddling Aunt again (its always good for a laugh). Oh well, volume 12 english verison is coming out in a week or two, so I content myself to reading the floor scene again.
Ouran been good lately since at least two of the main charcters in the biggest of love triangle have clued into thier feelings (hopefully the third will next month ^_^). Skip Beat's been going slow though. I want Kyoko to start to admit to herself how she feels. Oh well

121, fangirling, chapters, skip beat, ouran high school host club, manga, chapter, 61

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