Well, I'm waiting for my mind to clear for this bulletin i'm passing along on myspace. I might as well do an update.
I've finished my first digital painting:
http://rydia-warrior.deviantart.com/she's under "most recent".
I must say I'm quite pleased with myself. And while I recognize it's general inferiority to many other things out there, I'm very proud :D
I went to the employment office the other day because I found some good job referrals in Eugene, but the website wouldn't tell me who was hiring or where they were...
I'm looking at 2 full time graphic designer positions down west 11th a ways (short drive and even bikeable in the nice months) and a possible night shift for 20 hours a week at copymax. One of the full time positions has benefits for sure.. which plays a lot into things because I want my sweet Addy to have some doctor/dental coverage and I need my wisdom teeth out and a cleaning. Not to mention 3 years down the road when we'll probably think more actively about children. It's pretty fast. We've been married for 9 months now (almost) and time flies.
So anyways, 60 hours a week looks great moneywise and if I'm not intimidated by the job (which I shouldn't be because the oregon employment office gave me a referral for the full times and I'm overqualified for the part-time). I just sacrifice time spent with Adam :(
Not cool.
We'll see how things play out.
Other than that, Monday will be my first official day as not a student because everyone will be going to school. Except me :D And now I have to be a big girl and get a real job. And it's really scary. But I'm trying to make sure I don't take anything seriously anymore. It's not a big deal if they don't hire me because I don't want to work for a place that doesn't think I'll do good work or doesn't like me in the first place. Sigh.
The hard part now is putting together a resume and getting out there. I have until Tuesday. So I think I'll type up me stuff tomorrow morning when Adam's home. He's at Rocky's picking up a board for one of our Roseburg guys' paintball gun and I, I with my free time now after finishing my beloved new painting,
am at home.
With Tales of Symphonia (videogame for you "normal" types). So I might not even go to sleep tonight :D
Well that's good enough for now. I love reading everybody's posts. I look forward to it everyday. So write stuff!