How the game works
1. Reply to this post, and I will pick five of your icons.
2. Make a post (including the meme info) and talk about the icons I chose.
3. Other people can then comment to you and make their own posts.
4. This will create a never-ending cycle of icon squee. Woo!
kutay picked:
In general, I pick my icons from anime, games, or comics that interest me at the time. I hardly ever update them. :P
1. Hyde
I picked this one out while playing Hotel Dusk. Kevin got the game, and I hijacked it. I liked some of the expressions that Hyde (the main character) had in the game.
2. Ian
This comes from the webcomic MacHall. This particular image of Ian amused me while I was reading through the archives. I could have picked any number of shots from the comic. (In fact, the two Micah icons are also from this comic.)
3. L
This comes from Death Note. L was probably my favorite character in the show. His personality quirks (e.g. constantly sitting in a crouch, almost never wearing shoes, devouring any sweet in sight) were highly entertaining.
4. Caim
I personally have never played the game this comes from, Drakengard. All that I know about the game is what Kevin has told me. I do know that it works wonders for conveying unhappiness, and is one of the only icons I pull out to represent a particular mood for myself.
5. Vashiel
This is from yet another webcomic, Misfile. If you have never read it, I recommend it. Anyway, Vashiel is one of the angels in the comic. His naive nature is incredibly amusing at times, though he can be pretty bad-ass too.
Days until birthday: 13