Jan 17, 2008 06:15
Well, I am on this thing more than ever now, because I get so flippen' bored at work. So latest drama. I get to work tonight and tracy is like, "just to let you know, June and nikki talked, and some how jessica has to work a double because she is picking up your shift on friday night. June thinks you some how knew this" What? How am I to know what she will/would work a month ago? And I worked her tuesday, so its even. I had to work a double that night, and usually i work thursday and friday nights at daves, and go to the hotel and work. So I work doubles all the time, and she does at least once a week. So I dont understand the big deal. Also, I talked with her on tuesday, just chatting about how slow tuesday nights are, and she didnt seem mad at all that I was working tuesday and she was working friday. So Nikki needs to butt out. She is starting static that is uncalled for. I guess I cant take off a day with out someone making it look bad on me. Why dont people understand, seeing my fiance' once a month is not too much to ask? Seriously people. And its not like I am trying to take off tons of days, its ONE freaken shift! And now that jackie doesnt work at the Holiday Inn, she can pick up any extra shifts. Also, I forgot to put away my towels that I rest on, and June left me a nice sarcastic note about a guest seeing me sleep on it. Whatever, I dont sleep. Esp last night where I was doing homework all the way until audit. So I will be telling her to knock it off. I swear, people are so rude and obnoxious. I cant wait to leave this place. I will miss my friends and family, but thats about it. I def. will not miss these jobs.
On a happier note, I get to leave tomorrow to see my hubby. Yeah! I need it so much. I swear, that boy makes me crazy! I cant wait to marry him. Life is going to be great. God is amazing, I owe everything to him. I think with all this drama God is trying to teach me a lesson. I need to realize that people in the real world, in real jobs will always try to start static with you. Because I'm a christian and our lives are tougher. People dont understand us, or they do and just want to be rude. These past couple of months have been so trying for me. But with prayer I am getting through it. I think its getting better, but I dont think I will ever really know. People lie and deceive so, they could just be plotting something else, or just being fake. Which the whole world is SO good at doing. Err. God is good though, and he will get me through it, and I will be a stronger person because of it.
The wedding plans are going well. Two out of the four bridesmaids have put down their deposits for the dresses. The other two should have the money in by next week. Then we can order them. The dresses are going to be so pretty. The other day I saw a chiffon dress in apricot (my color) and it was beautiful. I cant wait! My dress has been ordered for about a month and a half. It wont be in for a while though. Which is good, because I dont have the money to pay for the rest right now. I have the hall booked and ready to go. My parents are paying for the rest of that. =) I booked Michele Binge for my photography. She has awesome pictures. I lucked out with her. Another wedding was taking place on the same day, same times. But this girl was the daughter of the woman who OWNS dior bridal. A lot of money and opportunity could have been made, but because I called back, I got her! And I got her for a discounted price. SWEET. I know, she lost out on a lot. But its ok, she'll get another chance. =D We are on a hunt for my veil. We found this beautiful veil at the bridal shop that matched my dress perfectly, but it was $225! NO WAY! So we are trying to get a regular veil embrodiered and just sew on the jewels that were on the other one. However this is not an easy task. I think it will cut the cost in half (or more) though so it is worth it. I bought a lot of little things like stuff for the center pieces and the guest book, unity candle, pen, pillow, garder and tiara. So I'm getting there. I will be broke by time this is all said and done. But its worth it!
I dont know if I wrote this or not, but in May I will be staying in Arizona for a month. I wanted to see what it was like to live there and also, be with Phil for more than 5 days at a time. I also get to work on the house like I want to, so its just an all out better plan. I cant wait. My bridal shower is May 3rd, and that is going to be soo much fun! I cant wait to get stuff for my house. I think a lot of people will come too. I made out a guest list and it came up to about 75 people. Granted, probably only 50 or so will show, but thats still a lot! I think it will be fun! I think I'm going to have a Lingere party too. So embarassed about that one, but who knows, if I invite people from work, they could make it interesting haha.
School is going well so far! I only have two classes, but my teachers are very likeable and nice. My Lit teacher is very fast paced, but she is good at getting to the point and showing us how to be better readers and analyzers. Which is good. So far, I have gotten 100% on all of my quizes. =)
I am so excited to leave! I leave in less than 27 hours. I need to get away from this place. I'm getting anxious about June coming in. I hope she isnt mad at me about anything. I could see the towel thing, but not the shift thing. Er, I get so nervous and anxious! I am going to kill myself when I have kids. The suspense will kill me haha.
I am also kinda excited about next weeks schedule at Famous Daves. I think I only work tuesday, thursday and friday nights. I believe I have the weekend off. I cant remember the last time I had that happen to me, when it wasnt requested. So I think I'll have me a good time! LOL.
Oh yea, there was more drama with Faith too! My life is so action packed. When me and Phil first started talking about getting married, faith, her mom and I went to bridal parlors trying on dresses and stuff. At the time, I was really excited and wanted everyone to be a part of it, so I told faith that she would be in it. I wanted her to be, and still do! Then things got more complicated with my family, and we dont have many groomsmen to work with, so I had to decide between my best friends and sisters or her. I had to pick them! But you see, I never told faith that she wasnt going to be in it. I just assumed she knew I wasnt sure of anything yet, and that if I could have her I would, but if not, oh well. Well thats not how it worked out. Yesterday, I guess Phils mom told her that she and liz were not going to be in it and she was really hurt. I was kinda mad at myself for not telling her sooner, but she was busy with her music and I was busy with work, school and the wedding. So needless to say, it was kinda forgotten. I still want her to be a part of it, so I came up with the idea for her to sing at the wedding. Phil asked her to do that, and shes all happy again. So good for that. Because yesterday I was texting her about it, and she wasnt repsonding. But she got all the messages. I was kinda upset because I wanted her to understand that it wasnt because I didnt want her in it, it was because of circumstance that she wasnt in it. But Phil said she is all good now so whatever. I hate drama. ERRR. Yet again, shes 15 so, yea, they are pretty moody.
Well I think I have written a novel, and it took me over an hour to write, so yea, I think its time to go. I'll repost with what happened with June!