Romanian Girl just threw her door open, said, "HELLO, HOW ARE YOU!!!" and then proceeded to ask me if I was Canadian. I said no, I wasn't, and asked her if I SEEMED Canadian. She said, "Oh, yes, very much
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It wasn't the "Canadian" part that offended me so much, more the "we could be twins" part. I really don't want to look like an anorexic, vinegar-douching bacon-and-raw-fish eating white woman.
Alyssa told me today that both her and Mandy get that a lot-- people down here thing they're Canadian as well. So it seems to be an Ithaca-related thing.
I think I can see (or rather, hear) that, now that I think about some aspects of your (as in you, Alyssa's, and Mandy's) speech; pronunciation, prosody--stuff like that. For lack of a salient category, I'd say it might be a general North-American lilt that gradually turns into the much more pronounced (no pun intended) Canadian "accent". But it never occurred to me before... Does this somehow help explain your non-vegetarian tendency towards bacon?
Re: maybe...warriorbtchAugust 9 2005, 00:22:43 UTC
Yes, but I've got no particular penchant for CANADIAN bacon...I thought Canadians said "eh?" all the time. Then again, I think my only real examination of Canadian culture has been via South Park. Do they also have flip-top heads?
That was really mean.
Fuck it. That's how I feel.
Uh man.
Canadian? How does one tell that someone else is Canadian?
I don't get it.
-- This is E-Rock, btw!
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