May 02, 2007 09:04
My head is throbbing this morning. It's really nice to have a couple extra moments to dabble and write. Maybe I can look into journalism? I think I'd prefer that to a professional counseling career since I like to be out and about exploring all the details and introspecting, reflecting and telling the world about it. Now if only I can be consistent! I need a long lesh! :) I guess I can have several careers who said I have to have one? One per state I live in... lols.
Speaking of counseling. I'm a split between two contradictory personalities. Which makes it insanely difficult to harbor both opposing emotions strengths & weaknesses. More about that later.
So I was thinking...ya, I was :) About the womans right's movement. My personality type took it further in the last decade. We wanted equal rights in the bedroom too! Hurray for ENFP's ! Although i have no idea what equal rights in the bedroom pertains to, I know it must be good, lols. Hold onto that thought, gotta run, be back soon.
K, I am back. So it seems that women are a walking contradiciton. We want our cake and we want to eat it too. I have never quite understood the energy. It's a confusing blob now. Nobody seems to know who is leading the dance, who wants to dance, who knows how to dance, who looks like they are dressed to dance and who is really a good dancer. Everyone is playing a hand, so it seems. Some are dealt better ones, others well, good luck!
Someone used to tell me. "Only the pretty girls go out with the pretty boys." No one of that calibur would ever like you or me. Now look what you gone & done! That just sparked a rebellius attitude. I thought that was the most absurd thing in the world. Since that moment, I admit I started looking down on jocks. It seemed to me that physical attraction was the #1 sure fire way to lose a relationship. Moods, feelings, attitudes change. If my attraction fazed, why would I still like you? Secondly, why should I fall all over someone who has never made any attempt to pursue me or show interest in me?
I never understood how women fell all over themselves to get some kind of attention from guys and for the most part they were largely ignored. Do guys today even know how many hours women spend grooming themselves just so they can look good FOR YOU at work? And they want to rub shoulders with Men AND be cuddled at night. laughs. OOOKAAY.
The fact of the matter is that women are still controlled by their emotions. Men know this. And they have they upper hand cuz women have given them full rights to them. To affect them, to tell them thier worth, to control thier approach, time, looks, and for the most part, I don't think men realize it except that they withhold thier affection.
Women are always chasing men everywhere they go. lols. I love men, all kinds. This is not a rant against them. But someone needs to realize the insanity going on and put a stop to it. The power play is WAY outta line. Women slicing up their body (even when they are beautiful!), Most women have had an eating disorder at one pt in their life, etc.
Men will achieve. That is thier God given Nature. Women will nuture relationships, that's ours. The motive behind the action I believe is the point not whether it is right to work or do whatever. If you want to work, work but don't go because you are trying to prove something. You've just exchanged rights.
So I stopped shaving (I bounce between). It is amazing how one thing changes someone's opinion entirely. Is America the only country in the world that looks down on people who don't shave? Common women. What a powerful belief system. It's very controling, self centered, egotistical, demeaning, expensive, time consuming, and petty.
I ought to have been born in Europe. I do get that from time to time though... Are you from England? lols. A couple weeks ago, someone thought I was from NYC, lols.
Anyways, It's actually quite sexy if you can get your mind around & outside of America's propoganda of "Idealistic American Beauty."
So where do I fit? Who's toes do I step on? If I won't conform to be an a modern attractive woman, I don't dance. Will I dance any way? Heck, ya. But I'm no feminist. I'm a walking contradiction too it seems.