Hot hot hot!

Oct 28, 2006 20:42

Today was SO hot! Up to 36C (97F)! Way too early in the year to be that hot. Very very dry too. Hot dry unpleasant wind also. Oddly it was cooler yesterday and is forcast to be much cooler tomorrow.

I wanted to do my exercise walking today, but it was just way too damn hot out there! So no exercise today. I have been doing really well on the diet and exercise front tho. Behaving myself very well with eating, and doing heaps of exercise. I was brave enough to step on the scales on Friday, but I'm not admitting how much I weigh right now.

Dad and I went swimming yesterday. It was lovely to get back in the pool again. I only did 500m though. I'm definitely out of condition when it comes to swimming! I hope we can keep it up, cause I do lose weight quickly when I swim regularly.

Mum and I have been to two belly dancing clases this week. Tuesday's class was kinda weird. Firstly cause the teacher's dog had died just minutes before the class and she was naturally upset about it. And the rest of the class were rehersing for a performance and just me and Mum weren't involved, though Rasheeda taught us a bit of the dance.

Thursday was different altogether. It's a new class, so it was back to basics for Mum and me. The others were all beginners. I think it's good to go back to basics anyway, make sure we don't get sloppy.

But I want to start going to the Tuesday classes now. The easy stuff is OK, but I want to do something a bit more challenging too.

Today I had meant to do housework, but it was just too hot! I spent the morning watching my new Buffy DVD's with Mum. And the afternoon doing grocery shopping in the nice cool air conditioning!!! (I was good today and just survived with the fans - didn't put my air conditioner on. I'm saving it for the really bad days.) This evening I had a nap.

Oh, and yesterday I did manage to get some study done. I caught up on the messageboard posts that I had to do. I hope I've done enough of them now to pass that part of the units. I have to get into doing my assignments now my brain seems to be behaving a bit better.

I've actually stopped taking the seroquel, but I think that I possibly should still be taking it. Felt a little high today, and I had thought I was over this now. Oh well. I can quite enjoy feeling this good, just as long as I can get my assignments finished!!!

REALLY hope it's cooler tomorrow. I want to keep up with my exercising as much as possible.

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