Oct 21, 2007 20:48
oh the stories i have. well friday i got a barely used cobalt flux for $250 :D someone at work impulsively bought one, used it like, twice, & sold it to me. so i saved $100 :D
other than getting my flux friday was actually krappy. oneof those days where all kinds of little things go wrong. but no worry. after work i was like, ok, i'll just ddr a lot & it'll be all good.
so backstory time. i got my kar inspected spetember 27th, so that's 3 weeks & a day ago friday. my kar had been making a weird noise before inspection, & it was still doing it afterwards. so i was like, well it kan't be anything that bad.
ok, back to the actual story... so thursday i think my kar had started shaking a lot. and making more noise. so friday it was unbearable, so i texted jerry, that i work with, cuz he knows about kars & was like, kan you listen to this & tell me what you think it is? so i go to his house, he's like, damn that's annoying. cuz holy shit, it was sooo loud. so we drove around the block. he had my pull into a parking spot along the way & looked under the kar. he was like,something's gonna fall off, but i dunno what. so i just said swing around w/ a stick & knock whatever off. it kant be that important. haha. so we're about 6 houses away from his. and bam! tire falls off. here's how the konversation went...
me: what was that? <-- said in a perfectly kalm tone
jerry: that was your tire falling off
me: oh, ok. thought so. i was just checking
and for some reason i just kept laughing. it's really knot funny. luckily i was only going like, 10mph, & i have AAA. but i just kept laughing. i guess it's better than getting all worked up & stuff. the lugnuts were still on my kar though. the rim was bad, so the whole tire fell off & my kar slid on its rotors. i hope it didn't get too messed up.
so i had my kar towed to the place where i got it inspected 3 weeks before. the general konsensus is it's their fault. either they didn't bother telling me that my rim was about to fucking break. and/or they didn't put my tire back on properly & that kaused to rim to fuck up faster. so several people have told me if they try to charge me for fixing it to threaten to get a lawyer. cuz seriously, if i hadn't taken my kar over the tire would've fallen off on my way to work the next day. so probly either on military rd, or on the thruway. so yeah, that kould've been reeeally bad.
at first i was mad at my kar. then i realized it wasn't my kar's fault. now my kar needs a hug. i'll hug it & love it & thank it for now throwing off its tire when i was going really fast.
too bad that had to happen on a friday knight, so i have to knot have my kar all weekend. so tommorow they'll kall me & i guess i'll just go from there. so now i'm being jokingly picked on at work. like; oh yeah, well at least my kar has 4 tires on it! as though that's relevant to work at all, haha. so it's still funny. even though i'm pretty sure i should be upset. well if i don't have my kar be tuesday, my next day off, i'm just gonna DDR all day. sincei h ave a cobalt flux now :D
oh, other story! so last sunday there was an everclear koncert up at NU. and omg it was great. it was small, so by the time everclear kome on stage the krowd had thinned out a lot & sarah & i were right up against the security fence in the front. it was an awesome show. i fucking love everclear. (and orange vodka, haha. no, i've never had everclear the alcohol. it'd probly kill me). and for the 2nd encore song they had a bunch of girls from the audience kome up on stage to dance around. they played jenny (the 8675309 song) so Art (the singer & like, my fucking hero) was like, a middle aged man w/ a lot of tatoos is about to do a magic trick. i'm gonna change all your names to jenny! it was hella fun. when he was pointing at girls to kome up on stage after he pointed at me & sarah i fucking vaulted over the security fence & ran up to the steps & up on the stage. i was soooo excited. and after the koncert they stayed & did autographs. so i ended up getting hugged by art alexakis 3 times!! i was like, damn, i kould die happy now. and i got a picture w/ him on my phone :D
so now i have japanese ddr extreme, a flux, & i got hugged by art 3 times. i really kould die happy now :)
but goddamn, i just got my kar inspected!! that should mean it's safe & knot going to fall apart