Yea I Know

Jul 05, 2006 23:48

As I fall asleep something comes to my mind that has been alluding my consciness for several weeks now. Right now there are two parts to me. The logical part of me and the feeling part of me.
The logical part of me looks at the feeling part and sees a two year old child reaching for a fairy tale. Sadly shaking her head at the thought that the two year old is going to die when she realizes that the fairy tale is not true and will never happen. This girl holds her head high after this and goes through life knowing that when the feeling part of her dies so will she. It may never be a physical death but one that is far far worse and nothing good will light up any part of any thing, in her world. The creativity and the talent will be gone. But tis OK because this is the side of me that grows and holds onto the hope that maybe just maybe the faiy tale might come true, not just for her but for everyone else involved.
Then there is the feeling part of me, this side looks at the other and sees the maturity it knows it will never gain. It sees worlds of power and loss all in one. She looks at the other side and sees her as the mountain, that no matter what happens or how bad something ets she will all ways be the ine ti get us all through this. Her dreams and wishes are something that will come true. She has hope also that one day the two will become one and no further pain will be had.
The mountain tries hard as ever to explain to the two year old about pain, deception, and death. Not the physical death because that is understood by all and needs no explaining. What needs explaining is the fact that death isn't the only way to lose a person important in her life. And as the mountain explains this the two year old looks up and speaks of kindness for no reason and love. And as for every other time when the two try and communicate, nothing is understood, it is not for lack of trying, it is only that they are both speaking a different languages and have yet to realize it.
There is hope and then there is despair and they go hand 'n' hand, maybe not for every person but it is OK because for theese two they are one just no one has gotten around to letting them know. But how can anyone tell theese two anything when they are too busy trying to explain their ideals and beliefs to one another that the whole world gets turned off and life passes by and the excitement meant to keep the living goinghas passed by unnoticed.
The mountain reaches off to the side and hugs the knowledge that one day the fairy tale well end and an unthought of kind of peace will exist. A peace where no thought is given for to anything, for there is nothing to give this thought too. The world has ended in its view and the fight is no more.
The two year old holds her hands upward and waits for the time when she can show the mountain what she has been talking about all those years and there is nothing that is gonna get in her way once she has gotten a foothold in the explanation to the world of her own. With joy and peace in her heart she goes on knowing that one the two will become one and then all will be right. The fight will be over for harmony will exist inside where it is meant to be.

where did it come from?

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