
Jul 27, 2003 23:54

O man, last week was crazy, just think of it Jon C., Matt C., John M. and Mat M. All at the beach it’s like that stuff with Kennedy and Lincoln and there secretaries and stuff…

Ok, the highlights
My Frekin HAT
It’s an Aussie hat, and the guys made fun of me for buying it, But SOOOO many girls were checking me out. Jon C was like…”I want one…*sad face*”… Hell YEA! It was like how you dooin Cowboy, and who was I to correct them.

Pirate Night
Ok, we bought foam swords bandanas and a Jolly Rodger for the truck, dressed like pirates and cruised the strip looking for girls, while yelling pirate things at people!!! I beat the piss out of this kid with my sword and I picked up 2 hot girls. They diddent call though *sob* but it was still cool

The Tazer
Whoda thunk being zapped in the leg with 100,000 volts of electricity could be fun… AAARR aAA AA holy shit….THAT WAS COOL *ZAP* HA HE HA *ZAP*

Then we came to my house for a day and played on the water.
I had a great time
And I left out lots of stuff, like the pissed guy that we almost beat up and the long walk from the beach, the dancing waiters and all the cute girls and the henna that cost way too much….

Aww man

I'm going to College on the 20th Its gonna be lots of fun but I have no idea what im going to do whit myself…

I gotta get back in shape so the army will pay me…gerr running gerr

YAAAY the music is almost downloaded
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