Jan 29, 2010 09:16
This is the season for shakeups, it seems. From NBC to numerous aquaintences and friends I know, their worlds are being shaken. NBC, well, everyone know about that issue. SEVERAL aquaintences have recently gotten divorces or broken up. Even my sister broke up with her long-time partner, moved out, and is moving on. A colleague recenlty lost two cousins in separate incidences in a single day earlier this week. My office building is undergoing renovation and remodeling, so everything must be packed and moved out, then moved back in an unpacked. The parts of the office that have been done so far all have new carpet and new paint and trim, and every single last person has totally rearranged their offices (furniature, desks, shelves, plants, etc). Not to mention the massive earthquake in Haiti. And this is only the beginning of the beginning. It's going to get a lot worse.