Feb 27, 2007 11:42
OK, I have resolved that I wish to continue in the SCA. This is a given fact.
I'm going to need a number of things to do this. Money of course is a big one but that will be taken care of as soon as I get a frickin' job.
General SCA needs:
1) Clothing:
- Undertunic and Braes/Hose (SP?)
* Would like to get a black undertunic in linen but white's going to be the more likely.
* For the Braes/Hose, whatever colour works that doesn't clash with my current tunic.
* Likely will need at least two or more sets of these as well as a set of clothes for sleeping in
- Belt.
* Check around to see if there's any suitable belts kicking around which I can purchase that're more authentic to the SCA and for now just use one from home as needed.
- Clasp
* FC Pewters (Gods bless ye Kes) has such for sale I am sure, just need to get some money set aside to buy one.
2) Armour:
- Helmet
* ForgeIN with his rough times might not be able to do this, reasonable though so I need to look at alternatives with no fault laid upon him.
- Core body:
* For practicing I do have a suit of plastic plates Murt has let me have (Bless you Murt) , though I should compose a proper set of fighting armour
- Legs:
* Knee pads are easy to do under whatever pants I am wearing. Upper legs beyond those I would have to find or make a set.
- Arms:
* Elbow pads are easy to find and conceal under a long enough shirt, though other forms of arm protection should be examined.
- Weapon and Shield:
* Construction methods for both are readily availible, just need to get together the materials and such for them.
3) Miscellanous:
- Coat of Arms:
* Between working with nofixedLj, Ilankihan, and likely green_ogre and Ansfrid I should be able to come up with something (Bless you guys as well)
- Pouch/pouches:
* So long as I can get the material and access to Wilhelm and Cristabell's Surger and Sewing machine (Bless you as well as well as your child to be) , this shouldn't be as hard as some of the other objectives.
- Feast Kit:
* Ilankihan recommended checking Giant Tiger and similar stores for some of the components of this. A worthwhile idea and one I'm going to get on promptly.
- Carrying tub for my kit:
* I have a bunch of the tubs which I've seen others use already so clearing one out and using it should work swimmingly.
- Research and Register my name:
* Research I've done a fair amount of, just need to pull it all together, get it set up and in the prooper forms ,and send away. Debating if I should hold off until I have a Coat of Arms to at least have that covered.