My worlds:

Jan 19, 2007 15:03

This is a list of my original or semi-original worlds I have run in the course of my time DMing:

- Serania/Rubellia: Ran back in 2nd Edition AD&D and borrowed from my friend , it is a world of eternal conflict between the Kingdom of Serania, a peaceable kingdom of Chivalry and Honour with a strongly Druidic influence in it's magical side, and Rubellia, a Tyrannical Kingdom with strong influences of Magical Technology and similar.

- Esterra: First ran in 3rd edition D&D, it is a world based around the odd notion of combining Fantasy and Old Western movies. It was a colonial world of people who were forced from their homeland by a great magical cataclysm. The religion itself was a newer religion which had been obscure in their homeland, but due to the fall of their old Homelands' empires , with that many of the worshippers had disappeared, rending the old gods to sleep and allowing the new gods, influenced some from Christianity into power. Magical Technology again had a fair presence in this world, but was not based specifically on any political empire, though it's greatest masters held great influence through a guild on one of the new Colonial empires.

- Salamanca: A 3rd edition/3.5 D&D world created on the notion of swinging away from Magical Technology, it was also known as the World of Dreams. A long time ago, the empires of the world were seperated by a magical cataclysm and it was only in the player's era of starting that attempts to re-establish contact had begun in any degree. Spread over three campaigns and one major cataclysmic event. The world was designed around a theme of the idea of Dreams, having real manifested power. However, so did nightmares in the form of the Monsters which roamed the world, the Nadrech (or Fiends as some called them)

- Xuaxia: A 3.5 D&D world using the optional rules of Unearthed Arcana, plus my own set of Style feats for martial arts styles, this world is a heavily Oriental themed campaign world with a campaign laid out over five chapters. We are currently in the process of waiting for the second chapter while running something else.

- City of Glory: This campaign world is also done in 3.5 D&D and is meant to be a relief campaign from playing Xuaxia , and also a sort of filler in general. It is a world where there is one Grand metropolis of a city known as Luross. Inside it, is a powerful Arena where everyone from Mortals to the Gods themselves do battle and are granted the mysterious power for their wishes to come through. It is a planar nexus where you might see people from many worlds.

Though I have not had a unique world for it I also ran a Werewolf the Apocalypse campaign, where the characters were lead into events which would build up to the Apocalypse and were tied to keeping the Black Spirals from achieving a legend mentioned in the Player's Guide to the Garou (that being of the Silver pack I believe)

I also have a few world concepts that have yet to be put into the works:

Skystorm: An alternative World War II setting, this goes by the Premise, that Hitler joins the Thule society and studies to successfully become a Magi, and is able to use Magic to tilt D-day in his favour. It looks at the aftermath of this , and how under Rolf Enrich, Hitler's successor as agreed on by the Thule society and a GottFuhrer on his own right controls the world, and the attempts to take back the world for the free. This would have to use a different system, I'd been thinking CJ Carella's Armageddon

New Earth: A world designed for my own home brew diced/diceless system. In 2050 Earth suffers great catastrophe, and a cult of psionics who built special ships to lead humanity to safety leads a substantial population to a new homeworld, from which they expand. A new government is put into place and the people while grateful see these psionics as a threat, so they meddle with them and cause a cold war amongst their own kind.

What'll I come up with next?

roleplaying games, rpg

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