(no subject)

Jun 25, 2010 13:14

Another day, another dollar.  Frank tossed his bag aside as he entered the room he'd been renting.  Cheap but servicable motel, decent long-term rate and he had a little kitchenette set up at this point, it worked alright for his needs.  The maid had been through, and it didn't look like anything was stolen so clearly tipping her had been a good idea.  It was nice to come back to things better than he'd left them; not like he'd have done much cleaning after all.  This wasn't a home, it was just a place.

Frank crossed over to the little fridge and opened it, pulling out a glass bottle and holding it against his forehead with a little sigh of relieved pleasure.  The temperature didn't get to him much anymore; really, he had begun to enjoy the heat, to luxuriate in it as he felt the twangs of tension and slow anger around him, but there was something inherently comforting about the human gesture.  Besides, any way you cut it, a cold beer at the end of a hot day was a fine fucking thing.  With an easy gesture, Frank twisted the cap off and flicked it onto the desk before leaning back against the wall and taking a long pull.

Ahhhhh.  Just like that.

Not that working security was particularly hard, but Frank wanted to do more.  Be active, out there, in the world doing things.  Bond enforcement was a start, but he needed to get a practice running.  Maybe find some human partners and associates, be able to connect to people, have resources to help the Lost on this side, help people in general.  NOt be who he was when he was taken, but be something like the man he was before he met Mackenzie.

There was a sound like...it wasn't like crystals chiming, or music, or anything Frank could properly describe with his vocabulary.  A light grew, and then floating in front of him was the phantom image of a crown wreathed in flame.  Frank stared for a minute at the burning crown that appeared, just...watching it.  After a few more seconds he nodded just a little and reached out to touch the crown, but it vanished as he did, a slight weight settling atop his head.

Frank gritted his teeth for amoment and very slowly, very carefully put down the half-empty bottle of beer.  A great heat and new strength had begun to flow through him, and any pain there might have been was delicious.  Frank stretched for a minute, enjoying the feeling of inner warmth that was better than any whiskey he'd had, and just basked.  It was...nice.

He eyed himself in the mirror, and looked at the new crown on his head.  "Well...shit."  This was going to be...interesting.

summer, downtime, lost, frank

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