Edward - ...What? (Short)

Oct 17, 2009 04:14

The desk was piled with maps, notes, a few journals and all manner of writing and graphing equiptment.  Edward leaned back in his chair and sighed, running his fingers over briefly closed eyes.  It was taxing work, but it was proving interesting, and more than that, beneficial to the group as a whole.  That was important.

His computer, sitting off on one corner of the desk, made a little noise that briefly raised his hackles.  Something about the tinny, electronic noises just didn't sit right with him, like there was some dischordant disharmonous wrongness about it.  Opening it, Edward saw a few messages including more updates on the Covenant list.  Edward shrugged and read the thread that had already descended into some rather ignoble back and forths amongst whatever good intent was there.

He read the most recent message from the original sender.  Then he blinked.  Then he read it again.  "...what the h-...could he have possibly said my name one more time?  No, no I do not think so."  Edward sighed again, this one a far more vexed sigh.

Why was it that lately he felt the vast majority of Kindred under a decade or two were exceedingly foolish, and sometimes more trouble than they were worth?  I really have to stop reading this thing Edward though, carefully deleting the message and hoping it would escape notice of others.

Honestly.  Children these days.

internet, lists, requiem, edward

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