Edward - Journal Entry

Apr 22, 2008 06:47

 (OOC Note - The following is an entry in Edward's physical journal.  No one has access to this per se, but included for something different)

April 21st/22nd

Tonight has been a decently slow night.  I have answered some e-mail and sent out one or two others.  Still no word from Doctors Hammond or Gray, as per the usual.  This evening a very kind Invictus offered to speak to some ranking members on my behalf, and I had to explain that that was really not necessary.  That sort of thing seems to annoy, and doesn't help at all.  Whatever comes will come.

Speaking of said Invictus, had a very pleasent long chat with one Johannes Savage.  I don't usually meet  members of that rather notable family, save for Morgan.  He was extremely polite and courteous, and stated that he felt I was the same.  How nice!  Good conversations are increasingly rare.  I admit, I did give up more than I would normally want to about myself.  Still, nothing harmful I think, and he was kind enough that we did not go into details.  It is always a pleasent thing, meeting a polite member of the Invictus who does not condescend, yet retains the manners of one of the Unconquered.  Makes me feel all is right with the world.  He may come to Boston at some point, which would be interesting, and knows Baroness Jetter.  So...that'll be interesting too.

Had a bit of a talk with Gabby, and will talk to her more later.  We discussed how sometimes you can help people by not helping them.  It sounds crazy, but as much as we might wish to we cannot live others' lives for them.  Love is sometimes about letting others make their own mistakes, and being there to help them through it.  Without failure, without having to grow to overcome conflicts we cannot change and become more.  Help, but not do.  This can be the hardest thing of all.

Ellie continues to be something of an issue.  I have talked to several about her, and Lord Sutter agreed that she could spend some time with Ms. Lexie.  I think it would be nice for her to have someone else in the area she can talk to that is not Kindred.  Gabby suggusted Ms. Micola as well, which is a marvelous idea.  No regrets for her, though.

Why do people keep suggesting mind-alteration for her?  She has been through enough, and to do that to anyone is a violation, and at best helping someone deny the truths of their own lives.  I will be here for her, and help her, but  refuse to take away the truth from her or to cast her into shadow.  The truth sets us free, and gives us leave to fly.  People keep going on about this though, as if making her forget will make it any better or make it like it did not happen.  Eventually the memories might well come back, and then where would she be?  Sometimes I want to go and do something...very un-me-like to that Gorgonov jerk.

Also met a Mr. Chris X tonight, of the Movement.  Seemed much more polite than some, and conversational; at least to me.  There was that challenging, needing to question way of talking that most smart-asses online people Carthians young folks seem to have nowadays (and a few olders).  Definately showed some intelligence though, and that's always nice.  Good conversation helps make time bearable.

~E. Bloom

Checklist for Tomorrow
- Work on Devotion research, type up Old Man Gangrel conversation.
- Continue to work on putting training to use, to finally access said ability.
- Meditate.  Disederata?
- Reread Beast paper and consider updates.  Proofread heavily!
- Talk to Ellie about talking to others.
- Call Gabby.
- Should time permit, look at Ms. Aary's latest movie choice.  Something called Army of Darkness...sounds a bit creepy..

requiem, journal, edward

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