Edward - Swimming Seas of Nightmare

May 27, 2007 14:11

(I decided to throw out a bit of Torpor dream-ness)

It was that last event that he dreamt of most of all.  Of the Cardinal looming over him, pronouncing his hatred and bitter coldn.  Of being grabbed and staked, and seeing Michael's face (his friend?  What?) looking blank as he transfixed him there.  Of everyone else just looking on as if at some sort of entertainment.  And it was like that, again and again, except...

...except the faces changed.  The faces of the crowd, the faces of the two grabbing him.  Michael would be replaced by friends, while the other would be just people he knew, or had knew.  He saw friends and loved ones in the crowd, sometimes watching impassively, sometimes smiling, sometimes jeering.  He saw the "Baby Dragons," saw Ma, saw Her, saw all the people...so many.

Te integre gere - nihil paenitebit.

But that was wrong, wasn't it?  He'd tried to act with integrity, but all there had been was this. This unending torment, the hellish experiences over and over.

Here he was rivet-gunned to a wall.  There was the time he'd tripped (or been shoved?) and gotten hit by a car.  Over there the bomb threat that Dragon called in, and him being arrested, only this time the faces of the officers were all so familiar.

It kept coming.  Again and again and again, all of it.  Edward wanted to scream, but he just couldn't.

requiem, torpor, edward

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