
May 12, 2009 08:33

many dreams last night.
i just remember now that in one of them i went back to Highlands Park, and discovered an area I'd never been to before (though it struck a chord of deja vu, so maybe I dreamt about it before). It was 'to the right, behind the other side's parking lot" (no such place).
and when you walked down its ivy covered hump of a trail, you could go left to the ivy covered tennis courts or right to the ponds. the ponds were like giant multilevel tide pools, but set in spongy brown earth, with many lily pads and ivy. hundreds of them, none smaller than 10 feet across.
somehow this image is burned into my mind as "very important"
also, another dream had me in a part of Felton that doesn't exist, which resembled Italy. in a small perfect shop, we stopped our road trip to buy some fruit juice. An enormous woman with many children got in line behind us and her litter went wild crawling all over us and raising a racket. they pawed at out clothes, and carries caught one trying to wriggle away with her wallet. a lot of yelling ensued, more so at the stupid mother who pretended there was nothing wrong and it was all just very cute and adorable to her. her litter of thieves. and i wasn't sure if could punch children in the face in this situation. it was like a hiccup int he dream, where I'd break a little person's nose, and they'd look up at me with tears from the eyes and blood from the nose, and then it would be undone, jumping back a little bit in time to re-edit. weird.

Anywho. i also dimly recall the experience of forgetting one of the dreams. it was like swallowing a clam whole. or a random reflected light flitting across the room. i just knew it was a memory that wasn't coming back. (and seemed to have slithered down to somewhere behind my diaphragm).
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