Dec 13, 2003 13:18
Taken streight from Kimics Live journal, so yah enjoy!
I got IMed by some random weirdo:
212096070: Hi!
HookdAwnFoniks: ...Hi. Who are you?
212096070: I'm me!
HookdAwnFoniks: Uh...
HookdAwnFoniks: Who's "me"?
212096070: what doesn my name say?
HookdAwnFoniks: Your name says 212096070.
212096070: *GIGGLES*
Just then, I was IMed by Warren:
Warren Darko: so what you doin?
HookdAwnFoniks: talking to some person who randomly imed me, and is creeping
me out
Warren Darko: really what's the SN and i'll see if i can find out who it is?
HookdAwnFoniks: it's an ICQ number, which is a little strange
Warren Darko: a wha?!
Warren Darko: what's ICQ?
HookdAwnFoniks: it's a chat... thingy... I've never used it
Warren Darko: oh, oks
Then the weirdo started talking to me again:
212096070: I'm back
HookdAwnFoniks: Seriously. Who are you? Do I know you?
212096070: I don't know do you?
212096070: so how was your day
HookdAwnFoniks: You're creeping me out. Tell me who you are, and where you got
my screenname, or I'll block you.
212096070: oh come on now where would the fun be in that
212096070: ok i'll tell you who i am, but you have to promise not to get mad, ok
HookdAwnFoniks: Well, okay, but I don't see why I would. Unless you're someone I
really despise. And I don't really despise anybody.
212096070: *GIGGLES*
212096070: IT"S ME!
212096070: ^_^
HookdAwnFoniks: The only thing stopping me from blocking you is my curiosity.
212096070: :-P
And then:
Warren Darko: IT"S ME!!!!
HookdAwnFoniks: O.o
Warren Darko: ^_^
HookdAwnFoniks: wait...
Warren Darko: :-P
HookdAwnFoniks: oh, for fuck's sake, warren :-P
Warren Darko: *ursts ouyt laughing*
HookdAwnFoniks: you bastard!
Warren Darko: that was fun
HookdAwnFoniks: I am so putting that in my journal
I really should've seen it coming.