A whle back, Sam's mom adopted turkeys from
Farm Sanctuary on our behalf. Since then we occasionally get their newsletter; the issue that showed up this week had
good news about foie gras in Chicago, including this passage:
Gene Bauston, president of Farm Sanctuary, said "This law is consistent with the humane sentiments of Chicago citizens and codifies our societal belief that all animals, including those raised for food, should be treated with compassion."
While we're at it, you know what else would reflect a societal belief that animals should be treated with compassion?
Conciliatory vegetarians are like Al Gore during the 2000 post-election recount. Grow some balls, people.
(Speaking of the 2000 election, Jeffrey Toobin's Too Close To Call is a must-read for anyone who votes in the United States, or knows someone who votes in the United States, or has ever heard of the United States. I still hate Karl Rove and James Baker, but my respect for their focus on getting the job done has grown since reading this book. Holy cow.)