
Apr 08, 2002 00:19

Translation 1:

生命それは, 意志衰退するようである

私の1 つの内部を逃すこと
Deathly 無くなったのこれ実質であることができない
Emptiness は私ファイリングである
私は私だったが, 今彼は行く
誰もしかし私は遅くへ, それを救うことができる

Translation 2:

生命それは, 意志衰退しようで何も誰も私を自由に置く私が多くそこに与えることをもっと住むために意志を単に何もである何も私のための必要性端失わなかった重要な自分自身の内で失われて得るあらゆる日を更に漂わせる

事は, これ実質であることができないEmptiness は私決して死挨拶する暖かい私になかったように私がなぜようである昨日試みるべきであるか私はだったが, 遅く考える救うことができるが, ことを今彼は誰も行くが, ことを私によってが私, 今私への考えることができない夜明けを取る苦悶の成長の暗闇のポイントへファイリングであることを私が感じるこの地獄を立てることができないdeathly 無くなった私の1 つの内部を逃すことを使用したものがでない今私はちょうどさようなら言う

Back translation (Translation 1 to English):

As for life that, will, being lost the inside thing by my, furthermore floats all kind of days which atrophy thing what and everyone and I important losing will in order to live and giving simply what which can need that mainly mainly the edge where does not have because of me at all places me freely

Thing was gone the thing Deathly which lets escape the inside my one like former times, remain, as for the Emptiness which cannot raise this hell which I who cannot be substance feel darkness I of the growth which takes the dawn was I to the point of the agony which is my filing, but, now as for him who who goes oak I to the late, I who can rescue that why should try, as for current me whom you think whether, as never not been that it is not possible the thing which is thought, the death yesterday way current I who greet to warm me exactly, the way if you call

Back translation Translation 2 to English):

As for life that, will it will atrophy being, what and who and the thing which I who put in place me freely give there mainly in order more to live simply at all is will the inside important by my nothing where the necessity edge because of me loses being lost all days which can furthermore are floated

As for thing, as me never death you greet in warm me where not been I why yesterday the way should try the Emptiness which cannot be this substance, was I, but, it can think slowly and rescue whether, but, thing now he goes everyone, but, thing with me me, To the point of the darkness of growth of the agony which takes the dawn which now cannot think to I the deathly which cannot raise this hell where I feel that it is filing current I where is not something which uses the fact that it lets escape the inside my one which is gone exactly the way if you call

The question I ask you is: What was this originally?

BTW, you need Japanese Character set to read this, so I guess I'm talking to Noah =P
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