Sep 14, 2008 23:12
Do you have the guts to answer this and post it?
Would you do meth if it was legalized?
Fuck you for asking this dumbass question.
Abortion: for or against?
I'm personally against abortion, but I'm also against the politicism of abortion. It just seems like a gross misallocation of attention and effort on both sides, though I can understand the intensity on the anti side moreso than the pro side.
Would your country fall with a woman president?
Fuck outta here.
Do you support the death penalty?
More or less. I mean, it's only used in the most extreme cases, so I can't really justify opposing it versus locking a guy up for life.
Do you wish marijuana would be legalized already?
I hate marijuana with a passion, but I'm not sure it should be illegal. (I also hate alcohol with a passion.)
Are you for or against premarital sex?
I'm personally against. I generally don't give a shit about other people's genitalia, but I do think people in general should take sex and its associated consequences more seriously.
Do you believe in God?
Do you think same sex marriage should be legalized?
Why the hell not? Gay marraige debate isn't even really about gay marrage on the gay side, per se. It's about access to "marraige benefits" in terms of recognition, insurance, tax breaks, et al., which I think are bullshit in the first place unless children are involved. The opposing side often comes from a place of religious moralism, which is fine except for that whole church/state thing rendering it irrelevant. Of course, those people can't see past their own noses, and it's basically cherrypicking an issue that personally offends THEM, because I don't see these same people marching Washington in search of an anti-fornication law.
Do you think it’s wrong that so many illegal Hispanics are moving to the USA?
I don't even see how there can be an argument that it's not...are we supposed to allow anybody in the country, just becuase they happened to be able to sneak in?
A 12 year old girl has a baby... should she keep it?
I prefer adoption as an alternative to abortion in that situation, but it's not my life. Though I would like to beat their parents into a bloody heap with a wet shoe. A 12 year old is highly unlikely to be in a position to be a great parent, but that's another story altogether.
Should the alcohol age be lowered to 18?
In terms of congruency of liberty, I'd say yes. In terms of my feelings toward drinking in general, I'd be fine if the age was increased to 80 billion. But I'm one of those who can
Should the war in Iraq be called off?
What would that accomplish at this stage?
Assisted suicide is illegal... do you agree?
I don't think a person should be forced to live just because. If we can make the choice to cut off life support, isn't that the same thing?
Do you believe in spanking your children?
People need to realize that spanking and beating are not synonyms. No tv is not going to work with every child.
Would you burn an American flag for a million dollars?
Sure, because a) my patriotism isn't so weak as to be limited by some physical artifact, and b) I could do a lot more for this country with a million dollars than the existence of a single flag ever could.
A mother is declared innocent after murdering her 5 children in a temporary insanity case... do you agree?
I'm not entirely convinced of the legitimacy of temporary insanity. In any case, I think "innocent" is way too simple a verdict for a situation like that. There needs to be something beyond just walking the streets.
Are you afraid others will judge you for reading some of your answers?
If there are stupid people reading there responses, I really couldn't give a quarter shit what they think.