Falling into memories of you, And things we used to do...

Oct 14, 2005 03:40

Memories have a way of making the past seem uncannily close. Of making people's perceptions warp and twist because they want the present to match what they think, what they remember. But the truth is that reality doesn't always work that way. That the here and now doesn't always match up with what's been garnered from the past and past behaviors do not forever irrevocably dictate those of the present. People grow, people change, and hopefully people learn from the past.
I am a student of history, and in studying history I have learned that it is best to learn from the past; to not make the same mistakes, the same flawed moves, over and over again - its not how you win a war, make peace, or even do better in bussiness. The best path is the chancey one of risk of trying something new and out side the tradition "comfort" zone. The british only lost the american revolution because they wouldn't take that chance and switch up their combat style to one more fitting to a frontier war where guerilla fighting and wilderness scouts where prominent and nescessary. So, in my own life, I take this important historical lesson to heart. I try to never make the same mistakes twice - fool me once shame on you, fool me twice shame on me.

es gibt Tage, die die Sonne scheint und jede Sache glaubt, wie sie
tat, bevor alles anderte. dann erinnere mich ich, an wie das
Vertrauen mich bis zu den Sachen geoffnet ich nie vorgestellt bevor
wurde - dieses Vertrauen kann ein Madchen zu eine Dirne machen.
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