The New York Times calls it a “family planning farce.” Syndicated columnist Cynthia Tucker says it’s proof that President Bush is continuing “his dogged resistance to reality.”
As unbelievable as it sounds, the president has chosen someone who doesn’t believe in birth control to be in charge of all the federal government’s family planning programs. The New York Times describes Eric Keroack best, saying he’s “a doctor affiliated with a group vehemently opposed to birth control and someone nationally known for his wacky theory about reproductive health.”
They don’t know Planned Parenthood if they think we’ll just shake our heads, issue a mild protest, and let it go. We have to take a stand.
We’ve got to make sure every person in America knows what a ridiculous and dangerous step the Bush administration has taken.
Starting today, Planned Parenthood is going to plaster the country with “This man doesn’t believe in birth control” messages. We’re going to reach out far and wide, from coast to coast.
We’re going to ask Secretary Leavitt how he can possibly ask for family planning advice from a man who long served as the medical director of A Woman’s Concern, a chain of so-called “crisis pregnancy centers” that believes the provision of contraceptive drugs and devices is “demeaning to women.”
And by the time we’re done, people all across the nation will know what an outrageous step the Bush administration has taken by placing hundreds of millions of federal dollars - meant to provide access to birth control and reproductive health information - in the hands of the leader of an extreme anti-birth control organization.
Act right now to sign Planned Parenthood’s “This Man Doesn’t Believe in Birth Control” protest petition.
In the days ahead, I will be in touch about other ways that you can help us get our “This man doesn’t believe in birth control” message out, but, right now, the first thing you need to do is sign our petition and forward it to people you know who will be as outraged as you and I are by this incredible appointment.
Let’s get the word out far and wide.
Cecile Richards
Planned Parenthood Federation of America