Apr 21, 2007 20:45

OK so first off I have to say, "YAY for getting out of school!" and then some. Any ways, the trip was great even with the chair in front of me breaking and attacking me on the bus. Our school almost got kicked out of the first museum, which was the air and space museum I believe. One of the freshman on the trip manage to start a fight, the other girl, who was from another school, ended up trying to hit her apparently. All I know is watching the security guard running towards them was funny, at least until my group realized he was running because of them. I got a mocha espresso at the mall which was amazing and afterwards we listened to a man play the guitar and sing in Spanish. He was awesome. The subway smelled, and i think i almost threw up, it was that bad. The second museum wasn't as good as the first and my group ended up sitting on a bench and talking the whole time. We stopped and ate at burger king on the way home and outside of the McDonalds we found a condom and syringe which was pretty funny. Also on the way back the chair in front of my broke and kept hitting my knee, one of which hurt already. So most of the way back ended with my feet in John’s lap. Thank god he was so nice, I might have gone mad. So all in all the trip wasn’t so bad, even though there were only four upper classmen and a whole lot of freshman. Oh, and this one teacher who really hated me. I think she was a bible-thumping hippie who didn’t like my alternative way of thinking, but she wasn’t to bad. I got over her pretty quickly. Mainly because I felt bad she was so small-minded about the way people should be and act and just live in general. She’s had a sheltered life. So that was pretty much my day Friday. Now for some pictures.

people on the bus.

Everyday life of people in DC

Here is some more of them playing frisbee.

There was a bird in this tree in the mall we ate at. Tell me if you spot it, because i don't.

Here's a picture of the man in the subway!

Here is a bad picture of mr. bean, my favorite mexican at the time probably because he was the only mexican on the trip, and ken i think was he's name.

Here is the only good picture of me the whole trip, courtesy John


Me licking my foot, that's right MY FOOT!
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