fucked up again

Jul 15, 2004 16:14

yeah today sucks, im so fuckin bored and its cold out. i was baby-sittin hunter, and he was being a fuckin faggot. now cuz i said fuck you to him cuz he screwed up my bed, i cant do ne thing. but hes grounded for the rest of the week. but mom and dad will probably let him hang out with his friends, like they always let him...yeah and now david likes me and i really dont like him in that kinda way. i feel like im leading him on though, cuz i dont want to hurt his feelings cuz hes a cool kid. i feel bad. my life is really screwed up right now. and now i have to work 3 days in a row starting tomorrow. i really dont like busing but im staying there because a)my mom is making me,b)im making money and c)there is a hot skater dishwasher guy and hes the only one nice to me there. if i didnt have a job, i swear i would have a even worse no life.
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