Oct 18, 2009 12:23
[ Another morning--afternoon?--and Zets wakes up in Bert's bed. Nothing unusual about that, right?
Well, let's head on to the kitchen and get ourselves a glass of milk. Maybe he feels a bit short(because I'm not all that sure how tall Josh is), be he flops down into a chair and pushes his hair back so it doesn't get in his way--- only it's... short. Very short.
...Touch. Touch touch touch. ...Grey?! What the--- Time to wander into the bathroom and peek at the mirror.
Oh hey, Joshua.
Proceed to shocked yelling, hands in his hair, and some incomprehensible garble that can only be described as AAFDSDSSDSGDADGSF ]
M-m-my--- my hair--- my bo-- I-- Ahhh!
why am i suddenly a twig,
do i have a gun?!,
what is this fluffy grey mane,