Oct 05, 2004 11:33
well katie went home sick today after first period. i hope she feels better.
i dont like it when she doesnt feel good. all the bad things need to leave her alone.
today has been really boring especially the halls. i dont have katie to hold onto when im in the halls.
i miss her so...
well me and chris got our things from the place. then we went to the computer lab were we where sitting next to chaz valar. he kept making this noise that sounded like a frog.. it was somthing like mehh.
it was hilarious.
i havent updated in a while cause i cant update at home any more cause my sisters credit card expired so she has to call aol and get her billing changed. :sigh:
im not to sure what else to say im going to go on purerave and try an figure it out some more.
katies is doing the layout for me. she is the bestest. i love her yso fucking much.
well im out............todays mood is
aww look at the sad penguin in my mood...
im sad that katie is sick and not here.....get better sweety.
george loves you