Change of Plans

Jan 15, 2009 09:09

So the last few days have been interesting, in that we have up and reversed everything and thrown ourselves into overdrive.

Instead of me moving up there, Dawn is moving here. And instead of getting married in August, so that my family can come, including my not-yet-born niece, we're getting married in February, so that we can get Dawn and Eli on my health insurance.

Also, and here's an important note: We're planning on getting married in a small inn in Anacortes. An inn so small, this place is, that we're having trouble finding room. Which means that some people won't be invited. It's not that we don't want you; we just, seriously, have room for maybe 40 people, and those 40 people filled up fast. My parents, stepparents and siblings alone total eight, and then Dawn has family too. It's so terrible that we've started looking for other, bigger places, but so far we have run into someone else already have had booked them. So please don't get mad if you're not invited; it doesn't mean we don't like you.

Anyway, then we're moving here. That's going to be a pain.
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