
May 26, 2008 21:16

so how about i have goosbumps right now.

i graduate high school in eight days.
i turn eighteen in thirteen days.
and my youth is fading away.

turn on that fucking light alaina.

so as i type, i cant help but pinch my eyes in effort of not trying to cry. 
why did my high school years seem so far away? why is the thought of being a college kid being repetitive?
its that gut feeling thats deciding whether im ready or not; and the scary part is that my gut is flipping in the thought of getting out of here.
today i spent the entire day cleaning out my room and it was sincerely one of the highlights of my senior year.
freshman picture; sophmore picture; junior pictures; vball pictures; sball pictures; ripped up notes; old notebooks.
i looked through practically everything, noticing how even my handwriting changed from age 14 to 17.
i hysterically laughed at how really the basis of my music taste hasn't changed with finding tons of mixed cds of incubus and random bands made during sophmore year.
i tried on pants that used to fit me like a glove freshman year, but came up about 2 inches too short and a little too tight.
i also kinda realized my everlasting floral bed print magically disappeared with my pink walls halfway through sophmore year, thus being replaced with leopard print sheets and purple/brown walls.

its really this growing up stuff thats getting to me.

i became friends with so many types of people, its really out of the ordinary.
because its tremendously hard to alliterate all of these people, ill make it simple:

some of you changed my life. some of you left imprints. some of you got me too drunk. some of you lent me your shoulder to cry on. some of you sent me get well cards when you didnt have to. some of you smiled in pictures i took with you no matter how long we havent seen each other. some of you ignored me and then called me later apoligizing. some of you made me smile after a really shitty day. some of you made me smile after a really shitty 7 months of acl hell. some of you made me listen to music i really didnt like, but ended up loving. some of you made me feel beautiful after a nasty fall. some of you have saved me from my parents wrath during late nights. some of you have made me cakes that look so bad but taste so good. some of you know your crazy, but dont care what people think of them. some of you actually came to my games and cheered for me. some of you are the teammates i consider my best friends. some of you have held my hand when i made important phone calls. some of you i love. some of you i hate.

but most importantly without that some of you guys, my high school years wouldnt have been as good as they were.

my parents might be borderline insane, but this year really did prove something to me.
they love me really too much and its almost  a sin to hate them, no matter how whack or dicdatic they may seem.

so hey, its three cheers to the high school experience.
its three cheers to the friends ive lost and gained.
its three cheers to the music ive never forgotten.
its three cheers to the amazing family i have.

its three cheers that go out to those teen years.
spells like teen spirit huh?

class of 2008.
we salute you.
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