Nov 14, 2004 21:56

Ok everyone, this isn't really for my own good, but I know a lot of people are close to Mike Dibo. I thought I'd post this email from Brian Aiken (who is very close with the Dibo family) about what really happened and what is going on up until now.

As for Mike Dibo, Joe Dibo is one of my closest friends. I stopped by the Dibo's house just last night and got the low down. Mike Dibo took a "methodone biscuit" one third ecstacy, one third heroin, and one third methodone. His father found him upstairs, passed out and pale gray, with no signs of breathing. Mr Dibo forcibly pushed Mike's chest resulting in a gasp from Mike. This saved his life. Mr Dibo then called the ambulance and Mr. Sansone, who found his son upstairs in the same condition. They were both escorted to the hospital immediately. Mike Sansone left after about a day in the hospital but Mike had choked on his vomit and had gone for a good while without breathing, so he stayed on life support for a considerable period of time. These were the scariest moments, doctors were unsure if Mike would live.
Following this, Mike was slowly weened off life support and doctors came to realize that he was capable of surviving. Doctors also postulated a high probability of no brain damage. My brother has just told me, who gets news directly from Joe Dibo Jr., that today Sunday November 13th Mike Dibo is conscious and well. His brain is undamaged. He's OK.

There is also a benefit show in the works featuring Ziggy And The Noise and Eschellon at the Moose Lodge in Wallingford. All donations would go towards the Dibo family.

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